/*编写一个程序读取a.txt文件,将文件内容数字从小到大排序,并将排序结果写入b.txt。 */#include #include #include #include //插入排序void InertionSort(int * arr,int len){ if(arr==NULL) { printf("传入参数不可以为空!\n"); return; } int i=0,j=0,k=0,temp=0; for(i=1;i =0&&temp =arr[j]时,将不会进入循环,此时j是有序数组的最后一个元素 //arr[j]=temp;会将最后一个有序元素覆盖了 //arr[j]=temp; 错误 arr[k]=temp; }}int main(int arg, char * args[]){ if(arg<3) { printf("本程序需要两个参数!\n"); return 0; } //define file stream FILE *pfr=NULL; //open the file in read mode pfr=fopen(args[1],"r"); //judge if(pfr==NULL) { printf("read the file failed ! error msg:%s\n",strerror(errno)); return 0; } //create arr int index=0; //这里index是作为数组长度使用的,index的初始值是0,所以循环之后index会多1,正好此时index就是数组的长度 int arr[100]={ 0}; char buf[10]={ 0}; while(fscanf(pfr,"%s",buf)!=EOF) { arr[index++]=atoi(buf); memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); } //close the file stream if(pfr) { fclose(pfr); pfr=NULL; } InertionSort(arr,index); //define new file stream FILE * pfw=NULL; //open new file in append mode pfw=fopen(args[2],"a"); if(pfw==NULL) { printf("write the file failed ! error msg:%s\n",strerror(errno)); return 0; } //write the file int num=0; while(num